29 Mar What happened at Health. Human. Tech. Demo Day 2023
Over 1,200 guests registered in advance to watch our Demo Day 2023! Entitled Health. Human. Tech. this Demo Day was focused on how the teams are at the intersection of humans and technology. It was a privilege to bring to the stage our healthtech teams who are active in oncology, mental health, VR/AR, genetic counseling and dental health. Below you’ll find links to each of their pitches.
Equally – what a show from Bart De Witte, our keynote, and Tjaša Zajc, our moderator! Bart rocked the stage with his keynote address, “The Healthcare Dilemma – Balancing Scarcity with Abundance“. He shared the challenges and opportunities that #AI presents in healthcare, the paradoxical nature of healthcare – where there is an abundance of data, but a scarcity of resources – and how to create a sustainable and equitable future for healthcare powered by AI. Tjaša, the Founder and Host of Faces of Digital Health guided us all through the event and ensured a quality flow of insights. We thank both Bart and Tjaša for their great efforts. Big thanks as some of the teams in our alumni who shared an update and sent good luck messages to the pitching startups.

The presenting teams:
SensiVR – Presented by Katarzyna Koba. VR mental health care is finally getting wider recognition. In the US, a VR solution for chronic pain has become the first digital therapeutic to find an easy way to secure reimbursement from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. SensiVR.Health is developing a solution in the #Metaverse for children aged 7 to 10 that improves cognitive, motor and behavioral skills in a playful way.
DrPlan – Presented by Aleksandra Deżakowska. Poor oral care often leads to high out-of-pocket costs. DrPlan is a financial management Software as a service (SaaS) application for #Dentists, dental clinics and patients to keep them informed and under control of their dental care expenses.
Arab Therapy – #MentalHealth platform for Arabs in the Diaspora. Presented by Tareq Dalbah. Mental health is sometimes described as a challenging and underserved area, even before the pandemic. Combine that with cultural differences, and it becomes clearer for how an individual can quickly suffer from a lack of professional support. Arab Therapy – عرب ثيرابي is focused on solving this.
TechNovator Health – Quantum remote charging solution for the active #Implantable devices. Presented by Ruslana Dovzhyk. When thinking about implantable sensors and devices, do people think about how they are charged? TechNovator have designed a quantum remote charging solution for active #Implantable devices.
GeneLinx – Enabling individuals to utilize their #GeneticInformation to make informed health decisions. Presented by Alekhya Narravula. While genomics testing is becoming increasingly available, the healthcare workforce cannot be upskilled with the same speed. GeneLinx is building services to support individuals with an understanding of their genomics data and help healthcare providers outsource genomics counseling.
Noah Therapies – Presented by Kai Berner. Doctors will often tell you that when you see one patient, you see one patient. Noah Therapies is building a platform that adapts to the patients current situation and empowers patients to make sense of their own #HealthData.
Blended Support – Providing people who have experienced #Trauma with fast and effective support to overcome their experiences. Presented by Adrian Rauwald. Due to the pandemic, we also started to hear more about the mental health toll and trauma in professions such as healthcare. It can take too long to offer workers who experience trauma on a daily basis adequate support.
What happened at Health. Human. Tech. Demo Day 2023
Keynote and moderator:
Bart de Witte delivered a keynote address entitled “The Healthcare Dilemma – Balancing Scarcity with Abundance”. The award-winning digital healthcare expert drives equitable and sustainable healthcare through open source AI and is the founder of the HIPPO AI Foundation in Berlin.
‘Health. Human. Tech’ Demo Day 2023 was moderated by international digital health expert and host of the renowned Faces of Digital Health podcast – Tjaša Zajc! An active advocate of digital technologies’ use in healthcare, Tjaša joined us in Berlin and supported the virtual event by guiding us all through the startup presentations and thrilling keynote. We were thrilled to have the founder of Faces of digital health podcast involved (consistently ranked among the top digital health industry podcasts).

Some of our alumni startups shared messages of support during the Demo Day. We thank the teams for their insights and for the messages of good luck!
🟣 Yair Kira, YoniCore
🟣 Anne Reisig & Lukas Randig, aidable
🟣 James Hugall, Breaz
🟣 Jan B. Elsner, Skinuvita
We thank everyone who joined us for Health. Human. Tech. Demo Day 2023! Well done to all the teams who presented and our big thanks to our keynote Bart de Witte and moderator Tjaša Zajc!