

Skinuvita logo


We make UV-therapy more accessible to patients with chronic skin diseases through e-health technologies for a safe and efficient home treatment.

UV-therapy is a highly efficient first-line treatment with low side effects for chronic skin diseases. However, it’s difficult to apply, because patients can’t integrate the required frequency of 3-6 weekly sessions at the doctor’s office in their daily lives. The problem of home-therapy is that dermatologists don’t have access to remote therapy data of patients (e.g applied dosage and response to sessions) and there is consequently no basis to develop and adapt therapy plans which is a central element of the guidelines for a prescription. This results in the avoidable prescription of immunosuppressive medication, connected to stronger side effects (patients) at a higher cost (insurance).


We use e-health technologies to enable a safe and efficient UV home treatment. Our product is based on a rental model covering the patient’s therapy duration (ca. 3 months). It includes 3 interconnected components:
1) A patient app that guides through the therapy and analyzes the response to treatment sessions for dosage optimization
2) Dermatologist’s Monitoring tool for supervision and adaptation of dosage plans
3) Smart UV therapy device with personal identification enabling automatic dosage transfer. This development is done in cooperation with a leading manufacturer of UV therapy devices.