Walk This May with Us!

Walking Challenge

Walk This May with Us!

Are you still in hibernation? Wake up!  May is National Walking month and we, here at #VisionHealthPioneers Incubator are embarking on a Walking Challenge to cover a whopping 999kms!

Why 999km you might wonder? It is exactly the distance from Berlin to the UN Refugee Agency headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Because we are not “just walking”. Aside from taking the opportunity to enjoy Berlin at its most beautiful in spring, this May, we will be raising money towards the UN Refugee Agency’s COVID-19 Urgent Appeal Fund. For every 1km of this 999km, Vision Health Pioneers Incubator will match a 1 Euro donation totalling 999 Euro. 

Our Cause

We chose the UN Refugee Agency in recognition of the devastating impact COVID-19 has had on the world’s most vulnerable people. As the pandemic continues, COVID-19 has proven itself to be the greatest exposure of existing inequalities. While social distancing and hand washing may seem to a lot of us easy practices to follow, it is a privilege we take for granted. It assumes access to sanitation, running water and living spaces large enough to practice it.

Large proportions of the world’s refugee population live in cramped and impoverished camps or settlements, somewhere between their home countries and hopes of a better life. Even here in Germany their living conditions as they apply for asylum are crowded and rife with challenges.

The vulnerabilities that migrants and refugees experience run deep and have been in existence long before COVID-19.

It is with hopes that this global pandemic will in spite of all the suffering, bring to fore these structural inadequacies so that more people will be aware of the need to support these populations. The health of every person is linked to the health of the most marginalised and vulnerable members in a society. 

Join us to not only raise money but also awareness for the healthcare and realisation of refugee human rights.

The teams

All our Batch #2 startups are battling, the incubator team have also dusted off their walking shoes and are participating as The Hot Steppers. 


The first steps